District Annual General Meeting 2023
Notice is given that the AGM of the Bristol South District Scout Council [for the year 2022-23] will take place on
Monday 11th September 2023 at the 229th Scout Group HQ, Raynes Road, Ashton
7.20pm for a 7.30pm start.
The meeting will proceed in accordance with the Agenda published below, any voting required will be by ‘show of hands’ with a simple majority required to pass any motions.
To be more environmentally conscious printed copies of all the AGM ‘papers’ will not be ‘on seat’ at the meeting, therefore, you are encouraged to print or download to your own device any copies you may wish to.
The agenda is currently in draft form [below] and will be updated closer to the meeting. Please note, due to the ‘Transformational’ changes taking place in Scouting there will be at least 4 ‘special motions requiring adoption or noting [ see item 4]. Links to the relevant reports will also be uploaded.
Please note : ‘To Receive’ does not require a vote of acceptance, these items are for the AGM to note.
Outline Agenda
1). Introduction & Welcome
2). Any ‘Apologies For Absence’ can be notified in advance of the AGM to contact@bristolsouthscouts.org.uk
3). Approval of the AGM Minutes 2022 Draft version these will be submitted to the AGM for approval. Any matters of accuracy etc will be addressed before the vote for adoption.
4). Special Governance Topics [as identified below].
a). Adoption by voting of the ‘model district constitution’ for a district taken from Policy, Organisation & Rules [POR April 2023].
b). The AGM to note the district’s financial year, being 1st April to 31st March of the subsequent calendar year.
c). Agree the number of members that may be elected to the district Trustee Board, [formerly known as The District Executive.
d). Agree the quorum figures for the District Scout Council [AGM/EGM] currently 12 and meetings of the District Trustee Board [formerly district Executive], currently 6.
5). Review of the previous year [2022-23].
a). To receive the reports on the previous year [2022-23] by the District Commissioner/Lead Volunteer and District Chairman. [These reports will be printed in the Annual Report, although the DC/DLV and/or DCh may wish to comment on these].
b). To receive the annual audited accounts of the district executive/Board of Trustees for the year 2022-23. [The accounts, along with a brief commentary and the Independent Examiners Report will be published in the Annual Report, although the District Finance Team representative may wish to comment on these].
Links to be uploaded to the following documents/reports
1). 2023 AGM Notification and simplified agenda
2). 2022-23 Trustees Annual Report
3). 2022-23 Bristol South District Accounts
4). 2022-23 Accounts Commentary
5). 2022-23 Bristol South Scouts Accounts signed IE report
6). Appointments.
a). To confirm the continuation of district President & VP appointees.
Royston Griffey – President
Plus fours Vice Presidents –
Beryl Deacon
Chris Davies
Margaret Slade
Peter Keightley
b). To approve the DC/DLV nomination for the District Chair of The Board of Trustees [BOT].
c). To elect a District Secretary – NB: with the ‘Transformation’ changes this position is not automatically a Trustee.
d). To elect a District Treasurer
e). To appoint ‘Elected Members’ to the BOT. – [maximum 6 persons]
f). To receive the DLV/DC nominations to the BOT – [this figure cannot exceed the number of Elected members]
NB: If any new Trustees are co-opted during the year, the total number of these may not exceed the number of ‘Elected Members’.
There are 6 ‘ex-offico’ members of the district Board of Trustees [subject to clarification on the District Secretary post which may be the 7th], names indicated are current holders of these posts.
District Commissioner/District Lead Volunteer – Paul Harper
District Youth Commissioner – Reece Foley
District Chair – Steve Williams
District Treasurer – vote to appoint to be tabled at AGM
District Secretary – currently vacant
District Scout Network Commissioner/Lead Volunteer – Roger Whiter
District Explorer Scout Commissioner/Lead Volunteer – currently vacant
This could result in a total membership of the BOT [excluding co-options] of 18/19 which will be above the new intended optimum size for a DBOT, however, as ‘Transition’ is still underway and possibly subject to further revision this figure is taken to be acceptable.
f). To appoint an Independent Examiner for the forthcoming year 2023-24. If at the meeting no suitable person has been identified nor a volunteer come forward the BOT will ask the meeting for approval to appoint the IE at a date in the future.
8). Close The AGM
After the conclusion of the formal AGM business the Chairman will formally close the meeting. There then may be –
a). presentation of any awards, including The Dixie Duggan Trophy
b). presentation by local members of the Avon Contingent to the recent World Scout Jamboree in South Korea
c). an address by the County Commission/County Lead Volunteer or their representative
d). the Chairman may then take any pertinent items for future BOT business/discussion ‘from the floor’ at their discretion. [This is NOT for notices/announcements]
9). Conclusion and any closing remarks by the Chairman
End of page
229th Scout Group HQ, Raynes Road. Ashton. BS3 2DJ